Would you like to get involved at FBC?
Here are some areas that you can serve:
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:14 Children were important to Jesus and they are to us too. We offer nursery services for infants through toddler ages for every service so that parents can have an opportunity to worship and grow. Our nursery workers serve about once a month. We always welcome more workers in the nursery!
Music Ministry
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16)
At First Baptist Church, we believe that God is worthy of our highest praise. While worship and praise should be inherent in our daily lives, one of the great blessings of a local church is being able to worship, praise, and sing together. We love to sing and enjoy great music that exalts our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you are a member of FBC and believe that music is one way that God has called you to serve the body of Christ, please contact the church office or Pastor Patrick Hoffmann.
Outreach Ministry
Because we take our commission of spreading the gospel to our community seriously, we do many outreaches each year as a way to reach the lost in our community. These include Soccer Camp, The Zone, literature handouts, the Talleyrand Easter Egg Hunt and more.
Media Ministry
There are many areas where you can help with tech! You can run Media Shout for services, serve in the Sound Booth, serve in our Livestreaming ministry, or in a variety of other technological positions in the church. If you are skilled in technology, we’d love to talk with you about it.
The Biblical office of a Deacon is that of a servant who assists the Elders in meeting the physical needs of the church. Our deacons care for the church family with financial needs, housing projects, moving, etc. They also oversee a “Helping Hands” ministry for our church.
Food Ministry
Is cooking your forte? Our soup ministry makes soup during the winter for our shut-ins. We also have volunteers who make funeral meals at the church, and who take meals to those who are sick or who just welcomed a new baby. This is a great way to care for one another.
Missions Ministry
FBC supports numerous missionaries. We bless our missionaries by corresponding with them, going on missions trips, and helping care for the Missions House and Missions Van. There is also a missions board that focuses on ministry to the missionaries, making sure they are equipped and have provision for their ministries.
Building & Grounds
With over 18 acres and numerous buildings used for ministry, there is a lot to be done. We welcome people who are willing to serve in taking care of property. Areas of ministry can involve serving on the mowing crew, being a Trustee, taking care of flower beds, fixing a roof, or cleaning.
The Great Commission also involves teaching. Our teaching volunteers serve by teaching children/youth Sunday School, Children’s Church. Adult Sunday School, leading Small groups, facilitating ladies and men’s Bible studies, and one on one discipleship.
1 Timothy 3:1 says that if a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. Has God equipped and called you to help shepherd and spiritually guide a church? We would be interested in discussing this desire further with you.
Ushers & Greeters
Church needs to be a place where people feel welcome and safe. Those who serve in this ministry serve in the Welcome Booth or at the doors to greet, direct and help people each Sunday. There is also a team of men that help keep the building safe and secure.
The teen years are formative years. ALIVE teen ministry is an exciting ministry where those in 7-12th grade can build good Christian friendships, pray and worship together, serve, and grow in the Word. Do you love seeing teenagers grow in Christlikeness? Then this is the place for you!
Nursing Home & Visitation
Now only do we have individuals who visit those who are shut-ins and in nursing homes, but we have a team of volunteers who serve weekly by holding services at some of our local nursing homes. This is a very encouraging ministry.
AWANA is our school year Sunday evening kids ministry for those age 3 through 6th grade. They play games, have a lesson, and memorize verses. This is a great place for our children to grow in God’s Word and make new friends. You can serve in teaching, listening to verses, games and more.
How would you like to serve?
Please contact us at office@fbcbellefonte.org and let us know how you would like to get involved at FBC!