Jul 12, 2015
Inside Out of Anger – Matt. 5:21-26
Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Jul 12, 2015Inside Out of Anger – Matt. 5:21-26
    Jul 12, 2015
    Inside Out of Anger – Matt. 5:21-26
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Jul 5, 2015Age of Law or Grace? YES! – Matt. 5:17-20
    Jul 5, 2015
    Age of Law or Grace? YES! – Matt. 5:17-20
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Jun 28, 2015Suffering – Psalm 31
    Jun 28, 2015
    Suffering – Psalm 31
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Jun 28, 2015Salt & Light – Matt.5:13-16
    Jun 28, 2015
    Salt & Light – Matt.5:13-16
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Jun 15, 2015Not Ashamed – Rom. 10:1-17
    Jun 15, 2015
    Not Ashamed – Rom. 10:1-17
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: (All)
  • Jun 7, 2015Blessed are the Peacemakers – Matt. 5:9
    Jun 7, 2015
    Blessed are the Peacemakers – Matt. 5:9
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • May 31, 2015The Tale of Two Sons – Gen. 21
    May 31, 2015
    The Tale of Two Sons – Gen. 21
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis
  • May 31, 2015Behind the Mask – Matt. 5:8
    May 31, 2015
    Behind the Mask – Matt. 5:8
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • May 10, 2015Bloom Where You Are Planted
    May 10, 2015
    Bloom Where You Are Planted
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis
  • May 10, 2015Virtuous Cravings – Matthew 5:6
    May 10, 2015
    Virtuous Cravings – Matthew 5:6
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • May 5, 2015Sodom and a Sovereign God Part 3 – Gen. 19
    May 5, 2015
    Sodom and a Sovereign God Part 3 – Gen. 19
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis
  • May 3, 2015Blessed are the Meek
    May 3, 2015
    Blessed are the Meek
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Apr 19, 2015Sodom & a Sovereign God Gen. 18:16-19:38
    Apr 19, 2015
    Sodom & a Sovereign God Gen. 18:16-19:38
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis
  • Apr 19, 2015Joy Comes in the Mourning – Matthew 5:4
    Apr 19, 2015
    Joy Comes in the Mourning – Matthew 5:4
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Apr 12, 2015Sodom & a Sovereign God – Genesis 18:16-19:38
    Apr 12, 2015
    Sodom & a Sovereign God – Genesis 18:16-19:38
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis
  • Apr 12, 2015Keepin’ it Real – Matthew 5:1-3
    Apr 12, 2015
    Keepin’ it Real – Matthew 5:1-3
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Apr 5, 2015The Road to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35
    Apr 5, 2015
    The Road to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Apr 3, 2015Good Friday Meditation – Luke 23:33
    Apr 3, 2015
    Good Friday Meditation – Luke 23:33
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Mar 29, 2015The Road to Jerusalem – Luke 19:29-44
    Mar 29, 2015
    The Road to Jerusalem – Luke 19:29-44
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Mar 24, 2015Blessed are the Merciful – Matt. 5:7
    Mar 24, 2015
    Blessed are the Merciful – Matt. 5:7
    Posted by Greg Shipe
  • Mar 15, 2015The Power of the Name – Genesis 17-18:15
    Mar 15, 2015
    The Power of the Name – Genesis 17-18:15
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis
  • Mar 15, 2015Equipping the Saints – Ephesians 4:11-16
    Mar 15, 2015
    Equipping the Saints – Ephesians 4:11-16
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Ephesians
  • Mar 8, 2015Danger of Impatient Faithlessness – Genesis 16
    Mar 8, 2015
    Danger of Impatient Faithlessness – Genesis 16
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis
  • Mar 8, 2015Equipping the Saints – Eph. 4:11-16
    Mar 8, 2015
    Equipping the Saints – Eph. 4:11-16
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Ephesians
  • Mar 1, 2015Standing on the Promises – Gen. 15
    Mar 1, 2015
    Standing on the Promises – Gen. 15
    Posted by Greg Shipe
    Series: Genesis